The title tells it all however, I did the total opposite. I left my JOB - my just over broke and became even broker. I had made a big sale in my primary business online and got the big head. I want you to take my advice to heart and listen well to what I have to say. I begin a new phase in my life and everything was going well. The money from my internet marketing was starting to come in and I begin to think bigger then life itself. I later found a great network marketing company to join and before you know it I was receiving income form there as well. I really thought I had made it to the big times. Boy, was I mistaken you see as fast as the money came the faster it went. I later made a decision to quite my JOB (just over broke). The timing couldn't have been better my boss or what I like to can him "my S O B " had begin to act very salty towards me. I guess I was looking for a reason to leave and he knew it wasn't going to be long before I did. I begin coming in later and not really caring about my performance. I don't regret leaving, but I sure do wish I had waited a little longer. I tell you this because I know you are planning on quitting you job one day and I do recommend you to do that when the time is right and your happy,but please don't leave your JOB until you are sure. Here are some things you should do before you go.
1. Once you're ready to resign, do so gracefully.
2. I recommend speaking to your supervisor in person if at all possible.
3. Give them ample notice of your final day of employment.
4. Accompany that conversation with a letter that states your last day of employment.
5. Always remember to have all of your Vacation days used up.\
6. Finish hard and keep your integrity.