Success does come in a Can & Not Can Not!


Remember this phase today," I will turn this block into a stone" you will need it when the blocks in your life become big. Turn that block into a stone ,a stepping stone that is and go higher from what you learned from it.So repeat this again " I will turn this block into a stone"

You know as well as I do that life has it's ways of becoming a major problem and can throw some serious blocks in our paths. I remember Robert K. telling me to use those blocks as stepping stones to get me higher in my life and business. I am so glad that I took his advice. I was once a drug dealer and then I became smarter then the drug and became a drug user. Life can throw some serious stones in your life.Now you my have not been a drug dealer or a drug user. But have you ever came across a problem that was major? You have to get bigger then the problem and see that problem for what it is a chance to make you better! Get better not bitter I have heard that better is better then being bitter and smiles are easier then frowns. However , if you don't do either then the life is what you make it. I want everyone to known that if I was homeless,broke and on drugs living on the streets that they can be better in life and business it just takes getting better,and how you do that is be better then your problems and wiser then your troubles, become what you dream is possible to be and live life with faith and action and not fear and inaction one step forward is better then 3 steps back so focus on stepping forward today.Right Now Right Where you are.