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Hay House was founded in 1984 by Louise L. Hay to self-publish her first two books, Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life, both of which became bestsellers and established Louise as a leader in the New Age movement. In 1987 Hay House was incorporated, and expanded into a full-scale publishing company devoted to the publication of books, audio, and video in the areas of Self-Help, New Age, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Alternative Health, Men's/Women's Issues, Food and Nutrition, Finance, Environmental Issues, Education, Business, Astrology and more. Hay House is committed to publishing products that have a positive self-help slant to them and are conducive to healing ourselves and our planet Earth. Hay House is now the international leader in inspirational, transformational, and self-help publishing selling to more than 35 countries around the world.
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