In 2010-11, 44 percent of all full-time undergraduate college students attend a four-year college that has published charges of less than $9,000 per year for tuition and fees.That's 36,000.
At the other end of the spectrum, approximately 28 percent of full-time private nonprofit four-year college students are enrolled in institutions charging $36,000 or more yearly in tuition and fees. These higher-priced colleges sometimes have bigger endowments and more grant aid available — which may mean that you can get more financial help to attend that institution.
At two-year colleges, the average price for tuition and fees is $2,963. Learn about the two-year college experience.
A handful of colleges either charge no tuition at all or offer all students full scholarships covering tuition costs.
Your goal is to choose a college that’s a good fit for you. Think about whether you like the campus culture and if there is enough academic support to help you do well in your classes.
You must do the same with a network marketing company. Look around and find a perfect fit and understand it will take you about 4 to 5 years to achieve your finish goal,meaning to make it last it usually takes about 5 years.
On, the other hand most network marketing companies are about 500- 1500 to join and about 100-200 a month for products and training. So a round 2,000 a year. That's 8,000 in 4 years.
Private nonprofit four-year colleges charge, on average, $28,500 per year in tuition and fees.
Public two-year colleges charge, on average, $2,963 per year in tuition and fees.
Of course, that’s not the total price. You still have to live somewhere, eat, buy books and supplies, and do your laundry. Read more about additional college costs you need to consider.
Factor In Your Financial Aid Award
Most students receive financial aid. In 2010-11, about $178 billion in financial aid was awarded to undergraduate students. The average amount of aid for a full-time undergraduate student was about $12,455, including more than $6,500 in grants that don’t have to be repaid.
So, despite all the talk about high prices and price increases, a college education remains an UN-affordable choice for most families. The choice is yours go into debt getting an education or learn how to get out of debt with network marketing.
I highly recommend watching this VIDEO
2011 and Trends in Student Aid 2011. Learn more online at our Trends in Higher Education website.