Let me explain my thoughts of this title. I have been an online junkie since my first personal computer in 2002. Now granted I had a computer before then but it was a personal computer with the Internet. The online world has become a different breed. It seems as if everyone is looking for a "quick buck" and have forgotten about the connection between why and how. Why is an important question. Every " Why " is usually followed by a " How". For example, why in the world am I up writing in my blog ,how am I going to get people to read what I have to say? The law of attraction perhaps bought you this far and it is my hopes and prayers we become better friends each day you read it. If the smoke clears from the air and I am still there will you like what you see? Not form the computer screen but what is truly within me?
I understand that most people who come to the internet are wanting to find something. I want to know what is that something and how can I help? Do you look for friendship,laughter or support in your ventures? The truth of the truth comes down to the personal connection the core of the deal will always be the personal connection. I am connecting with you at this point even though I perhaps have never met you. You are a great person and to know you would be a pleasure.
Amazing,isn't it why would I say that? How can I get you to know what I am talking about? You should continue to follow this Blog and let's get to know each other I am not a faker but beware there are many who are. The World of the Internet has many.